Posted on 1/28/2022

Your car is like a living, breathing entity. It needs to be taken care of just as much (if not more) than you do! But sometimes it's hard know when your ride needs some TLC - so here are some signs that may point towards an issue Do you feel anything out of the ordinary? Front-End Shimmy Steering Wheel Shake Unusual Vibration Do you hear anything different or unique? Clunking Noise When Turning Clacking Clicking Squeaking Leaking Air Sound Do you see anything new or questionable? Unusual lights Leaking Flickering of lights or dash Do you smell anything funny? Gas Oil Burning
Posted on 12/7/2020

We are very sorry for any missed messages sent through the WIX contact form, we have gotten this issue corrected. You can reach us easily from the Find Us page, Facebook or call us directly at (352) 390-8601
Posted on 11/6/2020

It is hard to describe the excitement when I buy a new project car, the thrill of the hunt, the negotiation, the vision of what it will look like when its finished. But there is a reality to this to, there is hard work, there is expense and I guarantee you something completely unexpected will be found during the project that will through you for a loop… it’s just how it goes. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to discourage you. To the contrary I think you should do it; but I am trying to prepare you for the road you are about to travel. It doesn’t matter if it’s a “fresh start” project or if you buy someone else’s project the challenges are the similar, I’ll give you an example. A customer of ours found a sweet looking 1970’s muscle car with a big block V8, lots of extra parts, a great body and interior. At a glance it looked like the pre ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2020

So, you’re thinking of buying a project car, that’s awesome! I want to be the first to welcome to the automotive enthusiast club, it’s a lot of fun. Before you buy the car, I recommend you do the following; Check out an automotive restoration show, Motortrend is one of my favorite channels and has some great shows and one in particular that I think shows the most realistic hurdles with project cars is Fantom Works. Watch at least 3 episodes because it accurately reflects the challenges, time involved and the costs that can affect a build or restoration. Now that you’ve done your homework and understand better what it takes complete a project car its time to decide how are you going to tackle it. Will you take it all on yourself? Will you enlist friends to help? Or will you take it to a shop and have them do the work? You may choose one or you may choose any combination of options. If you choose to have ... read more